Watch-Wiki:First Steps

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What is Watch Wiki?

Watch Wiki is a watch lexicon which is not edited by a paid editorial staff, but by voluntary helpers. Watch Wiki descends from the idea of the Wikipedia (wiki: hawaiian word für "quick", and encyclopaedia). Watch Wiki is a special lexicon for watches. A Wiki is a website, whose pages can be altered easily and without technical knowledge directly in the browser.

In contrast to traditional lexicons Watch Wiki is for free. Not only is it available in the internet for free, but everybody may copy and use its contents in case of specifiying source and author. This is possible because of the GNU-License for free documentation, under which the authors publish their texts.

Translation and correction help required!


Many pages in English which you find on this website are created by an automatical translation device starting from the german language version. We need your help to correct all errors. Using Edit you can edit and correct the page contents.

Please take care not to translate the german pages, but to copy the contents of these pages to new and empty pages with a new name. But caution: If you want to start a new page in English, take care to give it the correct name! Use the german name and add an "/en" to it (for: english version). For example: Hauptseite is the main page and Hauptseite/en the english main page. An empty page has the notice "There is currently no text in this page, you can..." on it.

All english pages have to have the line [[Category:English]] at their end.

If you have questions regarding the aspects of translation from German to English, feel free to contact Wiki-fan.

Become author

Watch Wiki has no paid editorial staff, but is the work of voluntary writers. If you can write texts, you also can cooperate here. You don't need special facilities; the technical requirements are minimal.

Who wants to start instantly should in any case read the Nutzungsbedingungen before. There you come to know what to remind, if you want to write or edit articles in Watch Wiki.


Above on the right (Anmelden / Sign in/Create Account) one can register and enter a user name which will be stored with all works on the articles. But registration is not obligatory. Except for a very few exclusions, e.g. uploading pictures, all functions of Watch Wiki are open to nonregistered users.

More: infos about registration

User login

And now we wish you a lot of fun on the Watch Wiki website!