2005/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
*On [[January 24]], [[2005/en|2005]] the [[Gerhard D. Wempe|Wempe]] family enterprise in Hamburg started the recalibration and fine-tuning of the clocks and operation of the [[Sternwarte Glashütte|Glashuette Observatory]].
*On [[January 24]], [[2005/en|2005]] the [[Gerhard D. Wempe|Wempe]] family enterprise in Hamburg started the recalibration and fine-tuning of the clocks and operation of the [[Sternwarte Glashütte|Glashuette Observatory]].
*Until [[January 28]], [[2005/en|2005]], [[Ferdinand Alexander Porsche]] belonged to the Board of Directors for the Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, in Stuttgart.

Version vom 17. August 2011, 00:32 Uhr

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