Add Dates or Report to Editorial by E-Mail
Add Dates or Report to Editorial by E-Mail
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Date add
You can add dates. In addition you must announce yourself here.
- The date should be relevant to the topic clocks.
- Change no entries of other users.
- Delete the dates from the previous year.
- Update your entries.
- Turn you with questions to Watch-Wiki to the Mentors.
Date register
- February (Stand 2010)
- March (Stand 2010)
- April (Stand 2010)
- May (Stand 2010)
- June (Stand 2010)
- July (Stand 2010)
- August (Stand 2010)
- September (Stand 2010)
- October (Stand 2010)
Diese Vorlagen nicht mehr benutzen!
Für den Eintrag von Terminen im jeweiligen Monat können die Vorlagen Termine1/en bis Termine10/en verwendet werden. Falls mehr als 10 Termine eingetragen werden sollen, mußt du dich an die Mentoren wenden oder die entsprechende Vorlage selbst erstellen.
Please it notes that in the appropriate previous month a preview is present for the subsequent month: there your date should be also registered. If you resuming information to this date admits to give would like the left date and put on an information article in addition.
- Template:Calendar of Events January
- Template:Calendar of Events February
- Template:Calendar of Events March
- Template:Calendar of Events April
- Template:Calendar of Events May
- Template:Calendar of Events June
- Template:Calendar of Events July
- Template:Calendar of Events August
- Template:Calendar of Events September
- Template:Calendar of Events October
- Template:Calendar of Events November
- Template:Calendar of Events December