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(Weitergeleitet von Christian Jaques)
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Christian Jaques


Christian Jacques is a small independent family-owned watch company established in Basel, Switzerland. With an experience of many years in the watch business, the company produces exclusively fine Swiss made watches. Christian Jacques focused on a specific segment of the medium price range in which it decided to produce quality products which could cope with watches of well known competitors in a higher price range.

With a management structure reduced to a minimum and optimisation of production cost, Christian Jacques as far can offer its high value product at most attractive conditions to its customers. Today Christian Jacques covers the Swiss market exclusively through independent professional watch and jewellery shops. The success on the Swiss market led Christian Jacques to develop its products to other countries. So Christian Jacques watches can be found in other European countries, in the Middle East, The Emirates, in Russia, Ukraina, Azerbaidjan. New markets will be currently developed.