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Originaldatei(7.355 × 8.552 Pixel, Dateigröße: 44,95 MB, MIME-Typ: image/jpeg)

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Beschreibung "Closed chair of upper classes of nobles - used by men & women" "Drawing shows four porters, two in front and two in the rear, holding the long poles through an enclosed palanquin." watercolor
Datum etwa 1899
date QS:P,+1899-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Quelle Library of Congress[1]
Urheber not given; unsigned
Andere Versionen Unrestored version of File:Gama2.jpg. See also File:Gama2 crop.jpg (cropped and restored version).
Public domain
This file is now in the public domain in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) because its term of copyright has expired there. (details)

According to Articles 39 to 44 of the Copyright Act of the Republic of Korea, under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Republic of Korea all copyrighted works enter the public domain 70 years after the death of the creator (there being multiple creators, the creator who dies last) or 70 years after publication when made public in the name of an organization. (30 years for death before 1957, 50 years before July 2013)

This applies to copyrighted works of which authors died before 1 January 1963, or made public in the name of an organization before 1 January 1963.

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Public domain
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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell20:52, 11. Okt. 2009Vorschaubild der Version vom 20:52, 11. Okt. 20097.355 × 8.552 (44,95 MB)Durova{{Information |Description="Closed chair of upper classes of nobles - used by men & women" "Drawing shows four porters, two in front and two in the rear, holding the long poles through an enclosed palanquin." watercolor |Source=Library of Congress[http://

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