Datei:Vaillant à Paris. Pendule Carousel ca. 1810 (2).jpg

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Version vom 27. November 2021, 13:34 Uhr von Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Vaillant à Paris. Pendule Carousel ca. 1810 An Exceptionally Rare French Ormolu Animated Carousel Clock. Maker: Vaillant à Paris. Description: An extremely rare first Empire animated ormolu carousel clock by Vaillant à Paris. The exceptional elon…)
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Originaldatei(828 × 851 Pixel, Dateigröße: 311 KB, MIME-Typ: image/jpeg)

Vaillant à Paris. Pendule Carousel ca. 1810 An Exceptionally Rare French Ormolu Animated Carousel Clock.

Maker: Vaillant à Paris.

Description: An extremely rare first Empire animated ormolu carousel clock by Vaillant à Paris. The exceptional elongated octagonal burnished ormolu case has numerous well-cast mounts that include dancing cherubs each blowing multiple horns, anthemion moldings, horse busts and opposing Griffiths set within acanthus inspired scrolls. Suspended from the fluted center column are three putti riding swans. They represent Hermes, Cupid and a Jester and above on the cross pieces are their relevant symbols – a caduceus, a flaming torch and a marotte. As the carrousel spins they are seemingly trying to spear the small ring attached to one of the decorative columns. The other column has a wreath and banner that reads ‘Prix du Vainqueur’. The whole sits upon a purpose made mahogany base.

Sundial Farm Antique Clocks Ltd.


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell13:34, 27. Nov. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:34, 27. Nov. 2021828 × 851 (311 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)Vaillant à Paris. Pendule Carousel ca. 1810 An Exceptionally Rare French Ormolu Animated Carousel Clock. Maker: Vaillant à Paris. Description: An extremely rare first Empire animated ormolu carousel clock by Vaillant à Paris. The exceptional elon…

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