Datei:Peter Anton Schegs, Nuremberg Tischuhr (5).jpg

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Peter Anton Schegs, Nuremberg Tischuhr.
Late 17th century Multi-Functional Ormolu Masters Clock.

Maker: Peter Anton Schegs, Nuremberg. Case: The ormolu case has a splayed base, a a shaped repoussé top with multiple balustrades and finials and chased columns attached to the removeable sides. Under one side is the engraved signature of the maker, ‘Peter Antoni Schegs Nurnburg’. It stands on an ebonized base with gilt moldings that has a drawer to the side. Dial: The engraved dials are exceptional. The calendar dial is segmented into sections 1/16 in. at the widest point and the engraved letters are superb. The steelwork is beautifully shaped and finished. Movement: The ormolu, brass and steel movement was built to the specifications outlined by the Nuremberg clock guild and was a requirement to become a master. The one-day multi-sectional movement is spring driven with fusees on the time trains, torsion striking on the bells above and a crown-wheel escapement. It includes 14 functions including minute striking which is exceedingly rare. The other functions include: the time on a 24-hour dial, the length of daytime and nighttime, daily saint calendar, days of week, signs of the zodiac, astrolabe, 12 or 24 hour striking, alarm and a ¼ strike indicator.
Ref:Provenance: Wuppertal Historisches Uhrenmuseum.
Literature:‘The Clock Universe, German clocks and automata, 1550-1650’, pg. 194
‘5000 Jahre Zeitmessung (Wuppertal, 1968), Jurgen Abeler, pgs. 7, 17 &19.
Auktionen Dr. H. Crott, Nov. 2005, Lot. 123.


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell20:15, 27. Nov. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 20:15, 27. Nov. 2021671 × 859 (438 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)Peter Anton Schegs, Nuremberg Tischuhr.<br> Late 17th century Multi-Functional Ormolu Masters Clock. Maker: Peter Anton Schegs, Nuremberg. Case: The ormolu case has a splayed base, a a shaped repoussé top with multiple balustrades and finials and cha…

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