Datei:Amsterdamer Bodenstanduhr Daniel Perrin, ca. 1750 (5).jpg

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Uhrwerk Amsterdamer Bodenstanduhr Daniel Perrin, ca. 1750

Red copyright.svg.png Alle Bildrechte liegen bei Jim Wuerstlin Antiques.

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Jim Wuerstlin Grants Pass, Oregon, Jim Wuerstlin Antiques

A fine and complex Dutch figured walnut longcase clock, by Daniel Perrin, Amsterdam, third quarter, 18th century. The finely engraved dial shows the phases of the moon, the date, the day of the week, and the month. The day of the week and the month dials include the zodiac sign, a pictorial representation, and the words spelled out. In the arch are several rocking figures riding the moving waves of the sea, including three sailing ships, a row boat, and a warrior in a horse-drawn chariot, all in front of is a painted seaside town. The movement has two bells, the larger one for sounding the hour and the smaller one for sounding the half hour. The finials are of Atlas holding the world on his shoulders and two trumpeting angels. The hood has fretwork on front and sides. The trunk door is curved with carved edges (a high-end feature) and has floral inlays and book-match walnut veneers, with a shaped brass lenticel. The bombe base has floral inlay, with lion paw feet. Height with finials 9'8", (without finials 8'7" ); width 28"; depth 13" (at lion paw feet).The case in good condition overall, with some filled natural age cracks and minor repairs to the inlay. The brass dial is in excellent, polished condition. The paint in the arch and on the moon dial is original, but with noticeable flaking on both. The finials are faithful reproductions cast in aluminum and hand painted. The fretwork appears original, with only minor losses. The movement is clean, with a note in the door showing it was serviced in 2006. Dial and movement is original to the case, but with some shimming below the seat board due to slight sagging of the seat board over time.

Daniel Perrin is recorded in "Nederlandse klokken-en horlogemakers vanaf 1300", by Enrico Morpurgo, as working in Amsterdam in 1742, with a known clock by him in the Catholic hospital in Breda Netherlands, circa 1770.

Note: For a pictorial guide to the stylistic development of the Dutch longcase clock, follow the following link (produced by clock dealers, Gude & Meis of Amsterdam):


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aktuell13:10, 6. Dez. 2024Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:10, 6. Dez. 2024641 × 856 (97 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)== Beschreibung == Amsterdamer Bodenstanduhr Daniel Perrin, ca. 1750 {{Bildrechte U|'''Jim Wuerstlin Antiques'''}} Jim Wuerstlin Grants Pass, Oregon, [ Jim Wuerstlin Antiques] A fine and complex Dutch figured walnut longcase clock, by Daniel Perrin, Amsterdam, third quarter, 18th century. The finely engraved dial shows the phases of the moon, the date, the day of the week, and the month. The day of the week and the month dials include the zodiac sign, a pictori…

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