Around the World in 90 days – the “165 Years – Homage to F. A. Lange” tour

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Around the World in 90 days – the “165 Years – Homage to F. A. Lange” tour

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Stars der Tour: die drei Komplikationen der „165 Years – Homage to F. A. Lange“-Kollektion.
Jan Sliva erklärt, worauf es bei der Restaurierung historischer Taschenuhren ankommt.
Auftakt in Dubai: Scheich Mansoor und Lange Sales Director Daniel Rogger.

To showcase its outstanding past and present timepieces in the brand's anniversary year to its worldwide following of watch enthusiasts, A. Lange & Söhne embarked on a “Homage Tour” this autumn lasting several weeks with eight destinations around the globe.