Datei:Herbault à Paris (5).jpg

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Version vom 19. November 2012, 18:03 Uhr von Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge) (c.1755 French Contra-Boulle Bracket Clock on the Original Stand, Herbault - Clockmaker, Antoine Foullet - Ebéniste. A large Louis XV French boulle bracket clock on the original stand by Herbault the clockmaker and Foullet the Ebéniste. The contra-bo…)
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Originaldatei(570 × 855 Pixel, Dateigröße: 160 KB, MIME-Typ: image/jpeg)

c.1755 French Contra-Boulle Bracket Clock on the Original Stand, Herbault - Clockmaker, Antoine Foullet - Ebéniste.

A large Louis XV French boulle bracket clock on the original stand by Herbault the clockmaker and Foullet the Ebéniste. The contra-boulle case has a removeable top, a waisted center, polychrome floral inlay of tortoise, ivory and horn on both the interior and exterior surfaces and numerous ormolu mounts. They include cupid above set amongst swirling clouds, several well-cast floral mounts, bold feet and a shaped door featuring Cupid in the center. The whole stands on a matching bracket with similar inlay and mounts. Both the clock case and the bracket are stamped by the ebéniste, 'ANT FOULLET JVE'. The large cast multi-piece dial has white porcelain cartouche hour plaques with black Roman numerals, white porcelain five minute marks with Arabic numbers, a white porcelain inner disc signed by the maker, 'Herbault A Paris' along with two well-finished steel-cut hands. The large, square time and strike eight-day movement has a large star-wheel shaped countwheel with the striking numbers engraved along the side, the repeat signature of the maker, 'Herbault à Paris, No. 171', a silk-thread suspension and strikes by torsioned hammer on a bell mounted above.

Ref: Louis Francois Herbault is listed as working at Rue de Grenelle St.Honoré 1759-1789.

Antoine Foullet (1710-1775) became a master in 1749 and specialized in the production of elaborate clock cases.

Height of clock - 37.5in. Height Overall - 52.5in.

Sundial Farm Antique Clocks Ltd.


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aktuell18:03, 19. Nov. 2012Vorschaubild der Version vom 18:03, 19. Nov. 2012570 × 855 (160 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)c.1755 French Contra-Boulle Bracket Clock on the Original Stand, Herbault - Clockmaker, Antoine Foullet - Ebéniste. A large Louis XV French boulle bracket clock on the original stand by Herbault the clockmaker and Foullet the Ebéniste. The contra-bo…

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