Datei:Egbert Jans van Leeuwarden fecit Utrecht, circa 1660 (5).jpg

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Egbert Jans van LeWarde fecit Utraiecty (Egbert Jans van Leeuwarden fecit Utrecht), 85 x 85 x 90 mm, circa 1660

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Seltene quadratische Horizontal-Tischuhr mit Stundenselbstschlag Geh.: Messing, gedrückte Balusterfüße, Bodenglocke. Ziffbl.: Messing, feuervergoldet. Werk: quadratisches, massives Messingwerk, Schnur/Schnecke, 1 Federhaus für Schlagwerk, 1 Hammer, vierarmige Eisenunruh ohne Unruhspirale.

A rare square cased table clock with hour strike Case: brass, baluster feet, rear bell. Dial: brass, firegilt. Movm.: square massive brass movement, string/fusee, 1 barrel for striking train, 1 hammer, four-arm iron balance without balance spring.

Egbert Jans van Leeuwarden (1608-1674) was a Dutch clockmaker in Utrecht. He was first married to Grietje Vlug; the couple lived in Amsterdam and had at least four children. On September 18, 1667 van Leeuwarden married his second wife Maria Helmont in the Dom Church at Utrecht. They had a son Jan van Leeuwarden, who would eventually become a clockmaker too. Egbert Jans van Leeuwarden began working in Amsterdam in 1630 and then established himself as independent maker in Utrecht around 1652. Simon Lachez started his apprenticeship with him in 1661 and the contract was extended in 1665 so that he could be trained in the making of a pendulum movement. Simon Lachez would subsequently take on Jan van Leeuwarden as his apprentice. The pendulum clock was invented by Christiaan Huygens in 1656; the design did probably not reach Utrecht until 1658 when Salomon Coster installed a pendulum clock in the Dom Tower. This means that Van Leeuwarden was one of the first clockmakers to take up this novel concept and distribute it so that it could be passed on to the next generations. Van Leewarden died in February 1674 and was buried at Buurkerk in Utrecht. Source:‌wiki/Egbert_Jans_van_Lee​uwarden, as of 09/26/2018

Provenienz: Sammlung Landrock


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aktuell10:53, 14. Okt. 2018Vorschaubild der Version vom 10:53, 14. Okt. 2018645 × 859 (262 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)Egbert Jans van LeWarde fecit Utraiecty (Egbert Jans van Leeuwarden fecit Utrecht), 85 x 85 x 90 mm, circa 1660 {{Bildrechte U|dem Auktionshaus Auktionen Dr. H. Crott}} {{Kategorie Bildgalerie Uhrwerke Leeuwarden, Egbert Jans van}} Seltene quadrat…

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