Datei:Jean Fursi Leroux circa 1708 (5).jpg

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Circa. 1780 French Patinated and Ormolu Lion Clock.
Maker: LeRoux A Paris.
Case: The ormolu and patinated case features a lion with a finely textured finish, a young Hercules clad in a lion pelt and grasping his club and garlands of oak leaves. The whole stands on an architectural base supported by an ebonized base with recessed ormolu mounts.
Dial: The white porcelain dial has well-lettered black Roman numerals for the hours, Arabic five-minute marks, carries the clockmakers signature in red, ‘LeRoux A PARIS’ and has wonderfully detailed ormolu hands. Movement: The eight-day time and strike movement has a silk-thread suspension with the fast/slow out the dial, finely cut wheelwork and star-shaped count-wheel.
Notes: The movement for this clock was made by Jean Fursi Leroux (b. circa 1708 d. 1788). Though G. H. Baillie describes him as ‘a maker of repute’ he records him as Jean Furey while Tardy notes his name as either Fursi, Furci or Furet. Size: 16 in.

Sundial Farm Antique Clocks Ltd.


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell19:46, 25. Mai 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 19:46, 25. Mai 2015568 × 852 (264 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)Circa. 1780 French Patinated and Ormolu Lion Clock.<br> Maker: LeRoux A Paris. <br> Case: The ormolu and patinated case features a lion with a finely textured finish, a young Hercules clad in a lion pelt and grasping his club and garlands of oak leave…

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