Datei:John Faver, London, Walnut Longcase Clock um 1725 (1).jpg

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John_Faver London Walnut Longcase Clock,

Stunning, Circa 1725 Walnut 8 Day Longcase Clock, By John Faver of London. superb Propotions, approx 8ft 6" Tall. Original Brass Cased weights, Original 5 pillar Movement, with superb arch Dial, in its Original Case. Calander work to the Arch, Ringed winding holes, original hands, etc. Spent most of its life in Kensington London. sympathetic restoration a few years ago. Approx 8 feet 6 inches, Date 1725

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The Chimes
Whaley Bridge
Derbyshire UK
Tel.: 07767 617507
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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell12:33, 17. Apr. 2016Vorschaubild der Version vom 12:33, 17. Apr. 2016275 × 882 (67 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)John_Faver London Walnut Longcase Clock, Stunning, Circa 1725 Walnut 8 Day Longcase Clock, By John Faver of London. superb Propotions, approx 8ft 6" Tall. Original Brass Cased weights, Original 5 pillar Movement, with superb arch Dial, in its Origina…

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