Datei:Lamiral à Paris Pendule (3).jpg

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Large French Ormolu and Antico Verde Marble Figural Mantle Clock, ca. 1810.

Maker: Lamiral à Paris. Case: A magnificent ormolu case that depicts a winged cupid approaching a sleeping female holding a rose. The bed, elaborately draped and set amongst scrolling clouds, is supported by a stepped base that is adorned with numerous appliqués including flaming torchieres, dancing cupids and scrolling foliage framing a plaque that reads, ‘Le Rapt De La Rose’. The whole is supported by a green variegated marble base with ormolu bun feet. Size: 24in.


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell22:43, 26. Nov. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 22:43, 26. Nov. 2021630 × 854 (221 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)Large French Ormolu and Antico Verde Marble Figural Mantle Clock, ca. 1810. Maker: Lamiral à Paris. Case: A magnificent ormolu case that depicts a winged cupid approaching a sleeping female holding a rose. The bed, elaborately draped and set amongst …

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