Datei:Lepaute à Paris, (Jean André) circa 1750 (7).jpg

Originaldatei (571 × 856 Pixel, Dateigröße: 136 KB, MIME-Typ: image/jpeg)
Lepaute à Paris, Höhe 2020 mm, circa 1750
Präzisions-Sekundenpendeluhr mit Datum und Graham-Hemmung - 8 Tage Gangdauer
Geh.: Mahagoni. Ziffbl.: Email. Werk: massives, rechteckiges Messingplatinenwerk, Messing/Stahl-Kompensationspendel mit Temperaturskala, Messingpendellinse, schwere, kardanische Messingaufhängung für Schneidenlagerung des Pendels.
A precision regulator with date and Graham escapement - 8-day power reserve Case: mahogany. Dial: enamel. Movm.: solid rectangular brass plate movement, brass/steel-compensation pendulum with scale for temperature, brass pendulum bob, heavy brass gimbals for knife edge suspension.
Jean André Lepaute was born one of nine children of tool maker, metalworker and master of the guild André Lepaute and his wife Elisabeth Doulet. In 1740 Jean André went to Paris at the age of 20 to begin an apprenticeship with a clockmaker. He later established his own business in Paris and his excellent reputation as a maker earned him many commissions for public clocks. In 1747 his younger brother Jean Baptiste Lepaute came to Paris to work with him. During that time Lepaute received an order for a clock for the Palais du Luxembourg. When he delivered the clock, he met the astronomer Nicole-Reine Étable de la Brière. They fell in love and married on August 27, 1748. >From then on Jean André lived at the Palais du Luxembourg and the young couple regularly received their aristocratic friends there. Together with Nicole, Lepaute worked on the calculations for his astronomical clocks, calendar clocks and planetary machines. He began working as maker to the royal court of Louis XV in 1751; in 1774 Jean André Lepaute retired from business and left it to his nephews Pierre-Basile Lepaute and Pierre Henry Lepaute. He died a year after his wife in Saint Claude near Paris at the age of 68. It was Jean André Lepaute who established the Lepaute dynasty of clockmakers. Source: Wikipedia, as of 03/08/2017.
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Version vom | Vorschaubild | Maße | Benutzer | Kommentar | |
aktuell | 15:30, 24. Okt. 2017 | ![]() | 571 × 856 (136 KB) | Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge) | Lepaute à Paris, Höhe 2020 mm, circa 1750 {{Bildrechte U|Auktionshaus Dr. H. Crott}} {{Kategorie Bildgalerie Uhrwerke Lepaute, Jean André}} {{Categorie Afbeeldingen galerij uurwerkmodellen Lepaute}} Präzisions-Sekundenpendeluhr mit Datum und Graham… |
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- Afbeeldingen galerij uurwerken Lepaute, Jean André
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- Galleria fotografica di movimento degli orologi Lepaute, Jean André
- Bildgalerie Uhrenmodelle Lepaute
- Picture gallery watch models Lepaute
- Galería de imagenes de modelos de relojes Lepaute
- Afbeeldingen galerij uurwerkmodellen Lepaute
- Фотогалерея Модели часов Lepaute
- Galleria fotografica di modelli orologi Lepaute