Datei:Robert-Houdin Serie 2 Mystèrieuse Pendule No. 106 ca. 1850 (1).jpg

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Robert-Houdin Serie 2 Mystèrieuse Pendule No. 106 ca. 1850

Rare Early 19th Century Series II Robert-Houdin Mystery Clock. Maker: Robert-Houdin, 106. Description: A very early ormolu and patinated-bronze Series II glass dial mystery clock by Robert-Houdin numbered ‘106’. The waisted case has a scrolled and reeded ormolu base, a cherub supporting a cartouche flanked by scrolling foliage and two opposing Griffiths above that support the dial. The case is stamped in several interior surfaces ‘106’ and is stamped on the back ‘Brevet d’Invention’. The clock rests on a decorative felt covered carved gilt-wood stand and the whole stands on an inlaid rosewood base. Dial: The well-lettered glass dial has black Roman numerals for the hours, a single arrow-shaped ormolu hand and is supported by a round patinated bezel. Movement: The eight-day time and strike movement is housed in the center of the clock case, is wound and set out the back, still retains its original silk thread suspension and pendulum, strikes on a bell, is stamped with ‘Brevet d’Invention’ and is stamped ‘106’ in several places. Notes: Jean-Eugéne Robert-Houdin (1805-1871) was an extraordinary magician, scientist, and inventor most notably of magical automata and a series of mystery clocks. The success and overwhelming interest of the mystery series, in particular this model, allowed Houdin the financial independence to continue to create. For more information on this eminent maker see, ‘Mystery, Novelty and Fantasy Clocks’ by Derek Roberts, Chapter 19. Size: Height - 22.25in.


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aktuell14:19, 2. Dez. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 14:19, 2. Dez. 2021504 × 854 (240 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)Robert-Houdin Serie 2 Mystèrieuse Pendule No. 106 ca. 1850 Rare Early 19th Century Series II Robert-Houdin Mystery Clock. Maker: Robert-Houdin, 106. Description: A very early ormolu and patinated-bronze Series II glass dial mystery clock by Robert-Ho…

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