Datei:Wales & McCulloch, Nr. 3480, circa 1897 (6).jpg

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Wales & McCulloch, 20 Ludgate Hill, London, Werk Nr. 3480, Geh. Nr. 3480, 51 mm, 125 g, circa 1897

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Englische Halbsavonnette mit Bonniksen Karussell und 52,5 Minuten Rotationszeit, ehemals mit Kew A Zertifikat "82.1 Marks Especially Good" des Observatoriums Kew/Teddington Geh.: 18Kt Gold, eingelegte, radiale röm. Emailzahlen, glatt, Goldcuvette, Gehäusemacher-Punzzeichen "EM" (Edward Matthews, Clerkenwell). Ziffbl.: Email, gebrochen weiß (Willis), radiale röm. Stunden, kleine Sekunde, signiert, gebläute Doppel-Spade-Zeiger. Werk: 3/4-Platinenwerk, gekörnt, vergoldet, signiert, chatoniert, Spitzzahnankerhemmung, Goldschrauben-Komp.-Unruh, chatonierter Diamantdeckstein auf Unruh.

An English half hunting case pocket watch with Bonniksen carousel revolving in 52,5 minutes, formerly with Kew A certificate of the Kew/Teddington observatory "82.1 Marks Especially Good" Case: 18k gold, inlaid, radial Roman numerals, polished, gold dome, case maker's punch mark "EM" (Edward Matthews, Clerkenwell). Dial: enamel, off-white (Willis), radial Roman hours, auxiliary seconds, signed, blued double spade hands. Movm.: 3/4 plate movement, frosted, gilt, signed, chatoned, English lever escapement, gold screw compensation balance, chatoned diamond endstone on balance.

Wales & McCulloch The company Wales & McCulloch existed in London since 1862. The first address was 32 Ludgate Street; from 1862 until 1869 the company had premises at 56 Cheapside, it moved to 22 Ludgate Hill later. >From 1890 until bis 1910 the company address was 20 Ludgate Hill. Tony Mercer lists Wales & McCulloch in "Chronometer Makers of the World" as manufacturer as well as retailer and supplier to the Admiralty. For this watch Wales & McCulloch used a finished movement produced by the watch industry Bonniksen had revived in Coventry and fitted it with a dial and a case before selling it. The company is recorded as having supplied the British navy with deck watches from 1896 until 1914 - one of them, no. 121654 in 1909, was even a tourbillon.


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aktuell22:05, 22. Apr. 2015Vorschaubild der Version vom 22:05, 22. Apr. 2015643 × 858 (150 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)Wales & McCulloch, 20 Ludgate Hill, London, Werk Nr. 3480, Geh. Nr. 3480, 51 mm, 125 g, circa 1897 {{Bildrechte U|dem Auktionshaus Auktionen Dr. H. Crott}} Englische Halbsavonnette mit Bonniksen Karussell und 52,5 Minuten Rotationszeit, ehemals mi…

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