Datei:Gebhard Bosch, Lübeck. circa 1877 (02).jpg

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Version vom 1. Dezember 2021, 20:07 Uhr von Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge) (German Carved Walnut Long-Running Conical Wall Regulator Clock, circa 1877 <br> Maker: Gebhard Bosch, Lübeck.<br> Description: A wonderful Victorian German long-running Conical Wall Regulator by Gebhard Bosch, Lübeck. The nicely proportioned glazed c…)
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Originaldatei(624 × 857 Pixel, Dateigröße: 193 KB, MIME-Typ: image/jpeg)

German Carved Walnut Long-Running Conical Wall Regulator Clock, circa 1877
Maker: Gebhard Bosch, Lübeck.
Description: A wonderful Victorian German long-running Conical Wall Regulator by Gebhard Bosch, Lübeck. The nicely proportioned glazed case has a carved crest flanked by finials above, a hinged door with applied floral carvings, burled veneer to the backboard and a carved naturalistic curvilinear base.

Dial: The two piece porcelain dial has a sunken center, well-lettered Roman numerals for the hours, brass bezels, decorative steel-cut hands, a going bit and is signed by the maker, Gebhard Bosch, Lubeck’. Globe:The 4.5in. terrestrial globe is signed, ‘Die Erdkugal nach d neuesten und besten Quellen entworfen, Berlin, geogr. Art. Anstalt, E Schotte & Co., Lith Bei Korbgeweit’. Movement: The movement runs just over two weeks, has thick tapered and shouldered plates secured by massive screwed posts, a chain fusee, maintaining power, numerous end-caps with the one for the seconds shaft jeweled, high pinion counts, a conical escapement and is signed and dated on the backplate by the maker, ‘Gebhard Bosch, Lubeck, 1877’. The pendulum is suspended by a complex universal suspension that hangs from a brass bracket with adjustments for up/down, side to side and front to back. It has a steel rod, an adjustable brass weight cup, a large screwed brass adjustment weight above the universal suspension, a small globe that serves as the bob and a pointer below that interacts with the steel detent off the escapement. As the clock runs the globe rotates within the case. Notes: Family history maintains that the clock is one of three made by the maker for each of his children as wedding presents. This one was made for Marie Bosch who later settled in Scotland where it remained until the mid 90’s.

Ref: This clock is pictured with a description in Derek Robert’s, ‘Precision Pendulum Clocks, France Germany, America and Recent Advances’, pg. 193, Fig. 35-14


Red copyright.svg.png Alle Bildrechte liegen bei Steven Thomson Sundial Farm Antique Clocks Ltd..

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aktuell20:07, 1. Dez. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 20:07, 1. Dez. 2021624 × 857 (193 KB)Andriessen (Diskussion | Beiträge)German Carved Walnut Long-Running Conical Wall Regulator Clock, circa 1877 <br> Maker: Gebhard Bosch, Lübeck.<br> Description: A wonderful Victorian German long-running Conical Wall Regulator by Gebhard Bosch, Lübeck. The nicely proportioned glazed c…

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