Clockmakers Company/Mitglieder S
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- Sacheverell, Benassir, Clockmakers Company, 1687. Ausgebildet bei Thomas Tompion.
- Sadleir, Samuel, Clockmakers Company, Warden 1723.
- Saer, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1687.
- Saffell, Charles Wilson, Clockmakers Company, 1811. New Bridge Street.
- Salmon, Charles, Clockmakers Company, 1821. Paddington Street, Maryle-bone.
- Sambrook, John, Clockmakers Company, 1680.
- Samon, John, Clockmakers Company, 1654.
- Sanderson, Robert, Clockmakers Company, 1703-'45.
- Sanderson, William (1), Clockmakers Company, 1795, Doncaster.
- Sangster, John T, Clockmakers Company, 1811-'40. Bradwell, Essex.
- Sargeant, Nathaniel, Clockmakers Company, 1769. Warden 1780, '81, '82, '87. Master 1783.
- Sargeant, Robert, Clockmakers Company, 1720.
- Saunders, John, Clockmakers Company, 1721.
- Savage, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1804-'40. Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell.
- Saville, John, Clockmakers Company, 1656.
- Saville, John, Clockmakers Company, 1678.
- Savell, William , Clockmakers Company, 1825. London Bridge.
- Savory, Andrew, Clockmakers Company, 1676.
- Sawyer, Paul, Clockmakers Company, 1718.
- Say, Nehemiah, Clockmakers Company, 1656.
- Scafe, William, Clockmakers Company, 1721-'49. Warden 1746, '47, '48. Master 1749.
- Schutt, Jasper, Clockmakers Company, 1648.
- Science, John, Clockmakers Company, 1724.
- Seagrave, Matthew, Clockmakers Company, 1730.
- Seddon, James, Clockmakers Company, 1662.
- Seddon, Humphrey, Clockmakers Company, 1730.
- Seddon, Nathaniel, Clockmakers Company, 1691.
- Sedwell, Edward, Clockmakers Company, 1664.
- Sellars, John, Clockmakers Company, 1692. Wurde 1691 zum Meister gewählt, lehnte jedoch aus gesundheitlichen Gründen ab.
- Selwood, John, Clockmakers Company, 1641.
- Selwood, William, Clockmakers Company, 1633.
- Sens, William, Clockmakers Company, 1711.
- Sergeant, Nathaniel, Clockmakers Company, 1768. Master 1783.
- Sewell, William, Jr, Clockmakers Company, 1825-'40. Upper Thames Street.
- Seymore, John, Clockmakers Company, 1710.
- Sharp, John (1), Clockmakers Company, 1811-25. London Bridge.
- Sharp, John (2), Clockmakers Company, Warden 1827, '28, '29, '30, '31, '32. Master 1833, 35.
- Sharpe, William, Clockmakers Company, 1681.
- Shaw, John, Clockmakers Company, Warden 1709, 10, 11. Master 1712.
- Shelley, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1717.
- Shelton, John, Clockmakers Company, 1766.
- Shelton, Samson, Clockmakers Company, 1630-50. Clockmakers’ Company. Gründungsmitglied, wars Junior Warden in 1632 and Master in 1639.
- Shelton, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1636-51. Schreiber der Clockmakcrs Company.
- Sheppard, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1632.
- Sherwood, William (1), Clockmakers Company, 1695-1720. Apprenticed to James Delander.
- Sherwood, William (2), Clockmakers Company, 1720. Warden 1737, '38, '39. Master 1740.
- Shilton, John, Clockmakers Company, 1720.
- Shirley, James, Clockmakers Company, 1720.
- Shirley, John, Clockmakers Company, 1724. He agreed to pay £30 to the Clockmakers’ Company to translate him to the Vintners’ Company.
- Short, Joshua, Clockmakers Company, 1665.
- Shuckburgh, Charles, Clockmakers Company, 1719.
- Shuttleworth, Henry, Clockmakers Company, 1669.
- Sidey, Benjamin (1), Clockmakers Company, Vater von Sidey, Benjamin (2).
- Sidey, Benjamin (2), Clockmakers Company, Meister 1761.
- Sidley, Benjamin, Clockmakers Company, 1710.
- Sidley, John, Clockmakers Company, 1701.
- Silver, Frederick, Clockmakers Company, 1811-40. Aldersgate Street.
- Simcox, Samuel. London, Clockmakers Company, 1708.
- Simcox, William. London, Clockmakers Company, 1682.
- Simkins, Thomas. London, Clockmakers Company, 1710.
- Simonds, Thomas. London, Clockmakers Company, 1661.
- Simpson, John (1), Clockmakers Company, 1709.
- Simpson, John (2), Clockmakers Company, 1723.
- Simpson, William Ellison, Clockmakers Company, 1781.
- Sinderby, Francis H., Clockmakers Company, 1800-'40. Butcher Hall Lane.
- Sindry, Lawrence, Clockmakers Company, 1661.
- Skinner, Matthew, Clockmakers Company, 1713-46. Ausgebildet bei Francis Hill, Assistant 174, Master 1746.
- Skinner, William, Clockmakers Company, 1822. West Street, Walworth.
- Slack, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1723.
- Sloagh, William, Clockmakers Company, 1687.
- Sloper, Jeremiah, Clockmakers Company, 1726.
- Sly, Robert, Clockmakers Company, 1720.
- Smalley, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1687.
- Smith, David, Mehrfachnennung.
- Smart, John., Clockmakers Company, 1682.
- Smith, George, Mehrfachnennung.
- Smith, Henry, Mehrfachnennung.
- Smith, John, Mehrfachnennung.
- Smith, Morris, Clockmakers Company, 1702.
- Smith, Obadiah, Clockmakers Company, 1725.
- Smith, Philip, Clockmakers Company, 1667. Mathematischer Instrumentenbauer. Aufgenommen in der Clockmakers Company.
- Smith, Robert, Mehrfachnennung.
- Smith, Thomas, Mehrfachnennung.
- Smith, Tudor, Clockmakers Company, 1717.
- Smith, Walter, Mehrfachnennung.
- Smither, William, Clockmakers Company, 1823-'40. Fish Street Hill.
- Snell, George, Clockmakers Company, 1688.
- Snelling, James (1), Clockmakers Company, Meister in 1736.
- Snelling, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1680.
- Somersal, John, Clockmakers Company, 1708.
- Somersall, George, Clockmakers Company, 1750-'75
- Somersall, Richard, Clockmakers Company,1787-'96. Clockmakers’ Company.
- South, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1709.
- Southworth, John, Clockmakers Company, 1689.
- Southworth, Peter, Clockmakers Company, 1664.
- Sowter, John, Clockmakers Company, 1683.
- Sparkes, Nicholas, Clockmakers Company, 1659. Schenkte der Clockmakers Company ein Stück Material.
- Speakman, John, Jr, Clockmakers Company, 1706.
- Speakman, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1685.
- Speakman, William, Clockmakers Company, 1690. Warden 1698, '99, 1700. Master 1701.
- Speidell, Francis, Clockmakers Company, 1699-1719. Angestellter der Clockmakers Company. Er veruntreute einen Teil der Gelder der Gesellschaft, aber die Angelegenheit wurde übergangen und er behielt sein Amt bis 1719.
- Spencer, Arthur., Clockmakers Company, 1732.
- Spencer, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1682. Geldstrafe wegen der Aufnahme zu vieler Lehrlinge.
- Spittle, Richard, Clockmakers Company, 1699-1720. Hersteller von Großuhren mit eingelegten Walnussgehäusen.
- Spurrier, John, Clockmakers Company, Company. 1684,
- Stables, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1685.
- Stacey, John, Clockmakers Company, 1683.
- Stacey, William, Clockmakers Company, 1760.
- Stacey, William, Clockmakers Company, 1786. Fleet Street.
- Stafford, John, Clockmakers Company, 1708, Warden 1738, '39, '40. Master 1741. Im Jahr 1729 erhob er eine Petition gegen das Stempeln von Uhrenzifferblättern, da dies das Geschäft mit der Uhrengravur ruinieren würde.
- Stamper, Francis, Clockmakers Company, Meister in 1682. “At ye Golden Ball in Lumbard Streete.”
- Stanbury, Henry, Clockmakers Company, 1709.
- Standish, William, Clockmakers Company, 1668.
- Stanes, Jeffrey, Clockmakers Company, 1686.
- Stanley, John, Clockmakers Company, 1732.
- Stanton, Edward, Clockmakers Company, Warden 1693, '94, '95. Master 1696.
- Stanton, John, Clockmakers Company, 1692.
- Stanton, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1703.
- Stanton, Samuel, Clockmakers Company, 1714.
- Stapleton, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1694.
- Staptoe, William, Clockmakers Company, 1703.
- Starey, John, Clockmakers Company, 1785-96. Freeman 1785. Livery 1787.
- Starkey, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1706.
- Staunton, Edward, Clockmakers Company, 1662.
- Stayne, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1654.
- Steele, James, Clockmakers Company, 1801-40.
- Stegar, John, Clockmakers Company, 1699.
- Stennett, William, Clockmakers Company,1822-40. Lower Thames Street.
- Stephens, Daniel, Clockmakers Company, 1680-97.
- Stephens, Francis, Clockmakers Company, 1632.
- Stephens, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1721. Master 1756.
- Stephens, Joseph, Clockmakers Company, 1760. Warden 1773, '74, 75. Master 1776. Put on livery 1766.
- Stephenson, Thomas Samuel, Clockmakers Company, 1811-40. Hoxton.
- Stepstow, William, Clockmakers Company, 1703.
- Stevens, Daniel, Clockmakers Company, 1661.
- Stevens, George, Clockmakers Company, 1673.
- Stevens, Joseph (1), Clockmakers Company, 1721.
- Stevens, Joseph (2), Clockmakers Company, 1745. Master 1752-56. Acht-Tage-Uhr im Gehäuse aus schwarzem und goldenem Lack.
- Stevens, Joseph (3), Clockmakers Company, 1786. Whitechapel.
- Stevens, Nathaniel, Clockmakers Company, 1712.
- Stevens, Richard, Clockmakers Company, 1715.
- Stevens, Samuel (1), Clockmakers Company, 1682. Geldstrafe wegen der Aufnahme zu vieler Lehrlinge. Bildete Henry Thornton
- Stevens, Samuel (2), Clockmakers Company, 1706.
- Stevens, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1700.
- Stiles, John, Clockmakers Company, 1704.
- Stiles, Nathaniel, Clockmakers Company, 1725.
- Stiles, Richard, Clockmakers Company, 1770-90.
- Still, Francis, Clockmakers Company, 1699.
- Stogdon, Mathew, Clockmakers Company, 1717-70. Er war der Erfinder des Halbviertelrepetitionsmechanismus.
- Stone, Andrew, Clockmakers Company, 1699.
- Stone, Robert, Clockmakers Company, 1710.
- Stone, William, Clockmakers Company, 1700.
- Stones, Thomas, Clockmakers Company, 1692. Warden 1727, '28, '29. Master 1730.
- Storer, Robert (1), Clockmakers Company, 1692. Warden 1727, 28. 29. Master London. 1788-1820.
- Storer, Robert (2), Clockmakers Company, 1811-35. Berkeley Street, Clerkenwell.
- Storey, James, Clockmakers Company, 1703.
- Storr, William, Clockmakers Company, 1765-90.
- Strachan, Andrew, Clockmakers Company, 1691.
- Strachan, Charles, Clockmakers Company, 1811-38. Cornhill.
- Stratford, George, Clockmakers Company, 1704.
- Stratton, Richard, Clockmakers Company, 1720.
- Street, Richard, Clockmakers Company, 1680-1715. Admitted to Clockmakers’ Company 1687. Junior Warden 1715.
- Strelly, Francis, Clockmakers Company, 1665.
- Stretton, Sarah, Clockmakers Company, 1716.
- Strigel, George Philip, Clockmakers Company, 1700-81.
- Strongfellow, John., Clockmakers Company, 1691.
- Style, Nathaniel, Clockmakers Company, Warden 1748, '49, '50. Master 1751. Put on livery 1766. Schenkte der Clockmakers' Company im Jahr 1770 £ 10,-- um beim Kauf von Bankaktien zu helfen.
- Style, Richard, Clockmakers Company, 1764, Warden 1787, '88, 89. Master 1790. Put on livery 1766.
- Sudbury, John, Clockmakers Company, 1686.
- Sully, Henry (1680-1729) wurde 1705 Mitglied der Clockmakers Company.
- Sumner, William, Clockmakers Company, 1662.
- Sutton, Isaac, Clockmakers Company, 1662.
- Sutton, James, Clockmakers Company, 1828-'40. Wood Street.
- Swanson, Robert, Clockmakers Company, 1730.
- Sweley, John, Clockmakers Company, 1671
- Sylvester, John, Clockmakers Company, 1693.