Diskussion:Hubert, Noël (1)

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I think Noël Hubert was "Gouverneur du Gros Horloge " between 1612 and 1650 (these dates are not those of his birth and death) . He died ca 1654 (cf. "Une famille d'horlogers rouennais, les Hubert, par le Comte d'Arundel de Condé, in Revue généalogique normande, octobre-décembre 1995)

--Mariannemarianne (Diskussion) 18:01, 18. Dez. 2013 (CET)

I will change it with the correct dates. Thanks to the Hubert Expert Marianne. So the dates mentioned at Geneanet and Wikipedia are not correct ! Geneanet Balthazar Martinot

--Meester Piet 13:49, 20. Dez. 2013 (CET)