Vorlage:HISTORY September 4

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HISTORY: September 4

On 4th September, 1927 the association of quality watch sellers, with the brand name “Centra”, was founded in Berlin.
On 4th September, 1942 many workers of the firm Bayard - Maison Duverdrey & Bloquel where tranportated as convict to Germany.
At 4th September, 1942 the restauration of the astronomic clock from the Town Hall at Heilbron, under the management of Ingeborg Wolf, was accomplished.
At Bad Arolsen, a second large meeting after the last world war took place, from 4th, till 6th September, 1981 organised by the "Senioren-Verband Saxonia, Traditionsvereinigung des ehemaligen A.-H. Verbandes der S.-V. Saxonia" where on that occasion this name was chosen.