Clockmakers Company/Mitglieder M: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 103: Zeile 103:
*[[Melville, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1781. Honorary Freeman
*[[Melville, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1781. Honorary Freeman
*[[Meredith, John (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1664.
*[[Meredith, John (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1664.
*[[Meredith, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1760. Hersteller von Kleinhren, eine davon mit sehr feinem Gehäuse aus Goldrepousse, im Boston Museum.
*[[Meredith, John (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1760. Hersteller von Kleinhren, eine davon mit sehr feinem Gehäuse aus Goldrepousse, im Boston Museum.
*[[Merfield, Charles]], Clockmakers Company, 1810. Goswell Street.
*[[Merfield, Charles]], Clockmakers Company, 1810. Goswell Street.
*[[Merigeot, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1766, Clockmakers Company. Took up livery.
*[[Merigeot, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1766, Clockmakers Company. Took up livery.

Version vom 22. November 2023, 19:37 Uhr

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  • Marchant, Samuel, Clockmakers Company, 1677-1704? Maker of long-case clocks with “seaweed” marquetry cases. Warden 1704.
  • Marsh, Anthony, 1714-1772 London, Ausbildung 1714, feigeschprochen 1721, Mitglied der Clockmakers Company 1724, Vater von Thomas (1).
  • Margetts, George, Mitglied der Clockmakers Company, freeman 1779, livery 1799 - 1808.
  • Marke, John,. Clock-makers Company, 1667. Mathematical instrument maker.
  • Markwick, James, Clockmakers Company. 1666. Apprenticed to Gillpin.
  • [[Markwick, James. London. 1677. Admitted to Clock-makers’ Company 1692. Warden 1717, 18, 19. Master 1720.
  • [[Markwick, James, 2. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1692.
  • [[Marriott, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1715.

Marriott, John. London. 1768-1800. Clockmakers’ Company .Fleet Street. Warden 1796,97, 98. Master 1799. Maker of fine bracket clocks.

Marsden, John. London. 1698. Warden 1729, 30, 31. Master Clockmakers’ Company, 1732.

Marsh, Anthony. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1724.

Marsh, Anthony. London .Clockmakers’ Company. 1756-75. Beadle of Clockmakers’ Company.

Marsh, Samuel. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1787-1818. Goodman’s Fields.

Marsh, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1812.Gracechurch Street.

Marshall, Benjamin. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1680.

Marshall, John. London Clockmakers’ Company 1689 Apprenticed to D. Qua re

Marshall, Samuel. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1689.

Marshall, Samuel. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1718.

Marston, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1661.

Marston, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1669.

artin, Abraham. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1682. An engraver.

Martin, Jeremiah. London. 1687. Apprenticed to William Dent, turned over to Thomas Tompion. Made a Freeman, Clockmakers’ Company, 1687.

Martin, Abraham. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1682. An engraver.

Martin, Jeremiah. London. 1687. Apprenticed to William Dent, turned over to Thomas Tompion. Made a Freeman, Clockmakers’ Company, 1687.

Martin, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1709.









