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*[[Habart, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1682.
*[[Hackett, Simon]], Clockmakers Company, 1630-65. Junior Warden 1636. Senior Warden 1641 – 43. Master 1646, 47-59. Laden im „Royall Exchange“. Seine Uhren waren sehr gefragt.
*[[Hackson, John, Jr. ]], Clockmakers Company,  1806. Bridgewater Square.
*[[Haines, Francis]], Clockmakers Company, 1706.
*[[Haley, Charles]], Clockmakers Company,  1770-1800. Er berichtete über [[Mudge, Thomas|Tomas Mudge]]'s Chronometer.
*[[Halked, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1702.
*[[Hall, Edward]], Clockmakers Company,  1710.
*[[Hall, Peter]], Clockmakers Company,  1648.
*[[Hall, Ralph]], Clockmakers Company,  1638.
*[[Halsey, George]], Clockmakers Company, 1687.
*[[Halsted, Charles]], Clockmakers Company,  1677.
*[[Halsted, John]], Clockmakers Company, Geboren 1698. Hersteller einer massiven goldenen Repetieruhr, die Königin Anne der Herzogin von Marlborough schenkte.
*[[Halstead, Richard]], Clockmakers Company, 1669.
*[[Halstead, William]], Clockmakers Company,  1715.
*[[Halsted, Robert]], Clockmakers Company, 1668-1700. Warden 1696, 97, 98. Im Jahr 1682 wurden die gleichen unvollkommenen Werke von ihm beschlagnahmt und zerstört.
*[[Ham, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1822. Skinner Street.
*[[Hambleton, George]], Clockmakers Company, 1669.
*[[Hamilton,  Richard]], Clockmakers Company,  1712.
*[[Hamilton, Rev. Robert]], Clockmakers Company, 1786. Warden 1789, '90, '91. Master 1792. Goodman’s Field.
*[[Hammond, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1680.
*[[Hancorn, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1658.
*[[Hancorne, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1676.
*[[Hanslap, Robert]], Clockmakers Company, 1653.
*[[Hanslapp, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1663.
*[[Hanwell, Zachariah]], Clockmakers Company,  1694.
*[[Harbert, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1670.
*[[Harbottle, Cornelius]], Clockmakers Company, 1667.
*[[Harbud, Jeremiah]], Clockmakers Company, 1812. Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell.
*[[Harding, Francis]], Clockmakers Company, 1687
*[[Harding, John (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1687. Ein großartiger Uhrmacher.
*[[Harding, John (2)]], Clockmakers Company, Company. 1721.
*[[Harding,  Joseph]], Clockmakers Company, 1718 - ? . Admitted to Clockmakers Company 1744.
*[[Hardy, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1766-86. Bridgewater Square. Admitted to the Livery.
*[[Hare, Alexander]], Clockmakers Company, 1781-1815. Admitted to the Livery. Watch von ihm im Guildhall Museum, heute [[The Science Museum]]
*[[Harker, George]], Clockmakers Company, 1825-1852. Warden 1847, 48, 49, 50, 51.  Master 1852, 53.
*[[Harold, Richard]], Clockmakers Company,  1690.
*[[Harper, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1664-1708. Erschien vor der Clockmakers’ Company, um sich wegen der Herstellung von Uhrenketten mit unzureichender Feinheit zu verantworten. Er ging 1664 bei [[Pierce,  Humphrey|Humphrey Pierce]] in die Lehre.
*[[Harper, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1761.
*[[Harris, Anthony]], Clockmakers Company, 1683. Ein großartiger Uhrmacher.
*[[Harris, Charles]], Clockmakers Company,1695.
*[[Harris, Clement]], Mehrfachnennung.
*[[Harris, Francis]], Clockmakers Company, 1702.
*[[Harris, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1711.
*[[Harris, John (1)]],  Mitglied der Clockmakers Company 1631-55, Master [[1641/de|1641]], [[1643/de|1643]] und [[1644/de|1644]]. iner der ersten Assistenten.
*[[Harris, John (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1659.
*[[Harris, John (3)]], Clockmakers Company, 1677. Warden 1684, '85, '86. Master 1688
*[[Harris, John (4)]], Clockmakers Company, 1690.
*[[Harris, Samuel]], Clockmakers Company, 1708.
*[[Harris, William]], Clockmakers Company,  1790-1833. Warden 1826, '27, '28, '29.  Master 1830, '31, '32.
*[[Harrison, Anthony]], 1699-1721. Mitglied der Clockmakers Company [[1699/de|1699]] oder [[1701/de|1701]]. “Birchin Lane.”
*[[Harrison, George]], Clockmakers Company,  1692. Ein großartiger Uhrmacher, der seine Lehre bei [[May, Johanna|Johanna May]] und [[Tompion, Thomas|Thomas Tompion]] absolvierte. „Bei den 3 Flower-de-Luces.“
*[[Harrison, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1812. Fetter Lane.
*[[Harrison, William (1)]]; Mitglied der Clockmakers Company [[1699/de|1699]]
*[[Hart, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1720.
*[[Hart, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1720
*[[Hart, Noe]], Clockmakers Company, 1695
*[[Harvey, Alexander]], Clockmakers Company, 1726.
*[[Harvey, Samuel]], Clockmakers Company, 1696.
*[[Harward, Robert]], Clockmakers Company, 1730.
*[[Hassenius, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1682. Obwohl er ein Fremder war, wurde er in die Clockmakers Company aufgenommen.
*[[Hatch, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1693.
*[[Hatchman, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1680.
*[[Hatton, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1810. St. Michael’s Alley, Cornhill.
*[[Hatton, Joseph York]], Clockmakers Company, 1811. Lower Thames Street.
*[[Haughton, Richard]], Clockmakers Company, 1690.
*[[Hawkesbee, Benjamin]], Clockmakers Company, 1709.
*[[Hawkesworth, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1709.
*[[Hawkins, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1730.
*[[Hayden, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1717.
*[[Haydon, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1790. Cheapside.
*[[Haydon, William (1)]],  Mitglied der Clockmakers Company 1687-1691 Croydon,
*[[Haydon, William (2)]], (Hayden), Ausbildung von 1707 bis 1717, Mitglied der Clockmakers Company [[1717/de|1717]] bis [[1749/de|1749]].
*[[Hayes, Edmond]], Clockmakers Company, 1682.
*[[Hayes, Walter]], Clockmakers Company, 1654-84.
*[[Haynes, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1676.
*[[Hayward, William]], London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1720.
*[[Heady, George]], Clockmakers Company, 1682.
*[[Headding, Richard W.]], Clockmakers Company, 1812. Buckingham Street,  Strand.
*[[Heathcock, Timothy]], Clockmakers Company, 1698.
*[[Heckstetter, Joseph]], Clockmakers Company, 1694.
*[[Helden, Onesiphorus]], Clockmakers Company, 1630. Gründungsmitglied. Renter Warden 1646, '47. Senior Warden 1648, 49.
*[[Hellam, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1689.
*[[Heming, Artis]], Clockmakers Company, 1776.
*[[Hennon, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1674.
*[[Henshaw, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1696.
*[[Henshaw, Walter]], Clockmakers Company, Warden 1693, '94. Master 1695.
*[[Herbert,  Cornelius (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1699-1727. Warden 1725, 26. Master 1727.
*[[Herbert, Edward.]], Clockmakers Company, 1664.
*[[Herbert, Edward]], Clockmakers Company,'1710.
*[[Herbert, Evan]], Clockmakers Company, 1691.
*[[Herbert, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1713.
*[[Herbert, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1676.
*[[Herring, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1770.
*[[Herring, Joseph]], Clockmakers Company, 1786. Farringdon, Berks.
*[[Hertford, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1632.
*[[Heskley, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1732.
*[[Hester, Henry (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1670.
*[[Hester, Henry (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1689.
*[[Hewitt, Alexander]], Clockmakers Company, 1725.
*[[Hewitt, Benjamin]], Clockmakers Company, 1724.
*[[Hicks, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1694.
*[[Hicks, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1666.
*[[Hickson, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1690.
*[[Higgins, Banger]], Clockmakers Company, 1724.
*[[Higginson, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1662.
*[[Higginson, Samuel]], Clockmakers Company, 1697.
*[[Higgs, John]], Mehrfachnennung.
*[[Higgs, Peter]], Clockmakers Company, Warden 1764, '65, 66. Master 1767. Sweetings Alley 7. Diente krankheitsbedingt nur die Hälfte seiner Amtszeitt.
*[[Higgs, Robert]], Mehrfachnennung.
*[[Higgs, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1716.
*[[Highmore, Edward]], Clockmakers Company, 1687.
*[[Hill, Benjamin]], Clockmakers Company, 1641-70. Warden 1652, 53, ''54, 55. Master 1657.
*[[Hill, Edward]], Clockmakers Company, 1698.
*[[Hill, Francis]], Clockmakers Company, 1672.
*[[Hill, John (1]]], Clockmakers Company, 1705.
*[[Hill, John (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1731.
*[[Hill, Thomas (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1635. Ein Hersteller von Zifferblättern.
*[[Hill, Thomas (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1775-86. Hersteller von bracket clocks  mit Viertelschlagwerk.
*[[Hill, Thomas (3)]], Clockmakers Company. 1789. Birchin Lane, Cornhill.
*[[Hillyard, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1679.
*[[Hills, ...]], (Fleet St.) 1780 Mitglied der Clockmakers Company.
*[[Hilton, John, London]], Clockmakers Company, 1698. Ein Lehrling von [[Tompion. Thomas|Thomas Tompion]].
*[[Hobler, Paul]], Clockmakers Company, 1781.
*[[Hobson, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1630.
*[[Hobler, John Paul]] wurde [[1770/de|1770]] "an honorary freeman of the [[Clockmakers Company|Clockmaker's Company]]".
*[[Hochicorn, Isaac]] Clockmakers Company, 1728. Reading
*[[Hocker, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1729.
*[[Hoddle, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1705.
*[[Hodges, Nathaniel]], Clockmakers Company, 1681.
*[[Hodges, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1719.
*[[Hodgkin, Sarah]], Clockmakers Company, 1699.
*[[Holeyard, Samuel]], Clockmakers Company,  1705.
*[[Holland, Lewis]], Clockmakers Company,1699.
*[[Holland, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1630. Master in 1656. wurde 1659 zum "Clerk" and "Beadle" ernannt, 1662 entlassen und seiner Verantwortung entbunden.
*[[Hollier, Jonathan]], Clockmakers Company, 1776.
*[[Holloway, Edward]], Clockmakers Company, 1650
*[[Holloway, Robert]], Clockmakers Company, 1632.
*[[Holmden, John George]], Clockmakers Company, 1808. Clerkenwell Green.
*[[Holmes, Matthew S.]], Clockmakers Company, 1825-42. Creed Lane, Ludgate Street.
*[[Home, George Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1718.
*[[Home, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, Warden 1748, '49. Master 1750. Put on livery 1766.
*[[Home, Samuel]], Clockmakers Company, 1654-85. Warden 1668, '69, '70, '71. Master 1672, '73.
*[[Hooke, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1698.
*[[Hopkins, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1641.
*[[Hopkins, Richard Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1802. Noble Street.
*[[Hopps, George]], Clockmakers Company,  1812. Cranbourne Passage.
*[[Hornblower, William (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1713.
*[[Hornblower, William (2)]], Clockmakers Company,  1779-'95 Beadle of Clockmakers Company
*[[Houghman, Charles]], Clockmakers Company, 1680.
*[[Houghton, Richard]], Clockmakers Company, 1690.
*[[Houper, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1664.
*[[House, John]], Clockmakers Company, Croydon.
*[[How, Benjamin]], Clockmakers Company, 1691.
*[[Howard, John]], Mehrfachnennung.
*[[Howard, Richard]], Mehrfachnennung.
*[[Howe, Ephraim]], Clockmakers Company, 1729. Bei [[Graham]] in die Lehre gegangen.
*[[Howe, Samuel]], Clockmakers Company, 1712.
*[[Howe, Thomas]], Clockmakers Company, 1677.
*[[Howell, Benjamin]], Clockmakers Company,  1699.
*[[Howell, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1724.
*[[Howell, Joseph]], Clockmakers Company. 1721.
*[[Howells, John]], (1749- ? ) Mitglied der Clockmakers Company, [[26. März]] [[1765/de|1765]]. Bruder von [[Howells, William (2)]].
*[[Howells, William (2)]], geboren 1742, gestorben 1814, Mitglied der [[Clockmakers Company]], [[5. November]] [[1770/de|1770]]. Ernennung zur Untersuchung von Mudges Chronometern. Wailliam war Geschäftspartner in der Firma [[Howells & Pennington]],  Howells was apprenticed to [[Sheafe, Thomas|Thomas Sheafe]]. [[Pennington, Robert (1)|Robert Pennington (1)]] (1752 – c1813) scheint kein Mitglied der Clockmakers Company gewesen zu sein.
*[[Howes, John (1)]], Clockmakers Company,  1672. Ein großartiger Uhrmacher.
*[[Howes, John (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1780. Fleet Street. 1819. Tring. Herts. Hersteller einer Paar Uhrengehause aus Gold mit  durchbrochenem und repoussefarbenem Außengehäuse und reichem Chatelaine-Aufsatz Uhrwerk Repetierschlagwerk. In der Sammlung Robert Hoe, New York, 1911.
*[[Howes, William (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1766.
*[[Howes, William (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1786. Fleet Street.
*[[Howie, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1724.
*[[Hows, Thomas]], (Howse - Howes), Mitglied der Clockmakers Company, 1632-1642, Junior Warden  1642.
*[[Howse, Charles]], Clockmakers Company, Warden 1784, '85,'86. Master 1787.
*[[Howse, John (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1687.
*[[Howse, John (2)]], Clockmakers Company, 1706.
*[[Howse, Joseph]], Clockmakers Company, 1698.
*[[Howse, Thomas.]], Clockmakers Company, 1632.
*[[Howse, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1731-80.
*[[Howson, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1699.
*Hills, ... ; London (Fleet St.) 1780 Mitglied der Clockmakers Company
*[[Hobler, John Paul]] wurde [[1770]] "an honorary freeman of the Clockmaker's Company".
*[[Hubbard, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1722.
*[[Hubert, David]], Clockmakers Company, Warden 1740, '41, '42. Master 1743-
*[[Huchason, Richard]], Clockmakers Company, 1702.
*[[Hues, Pierry]], Clockmakers Company,  1632-60.
*[[Huggerford, Ignatius]], Clockmakers Company ? , 1671-1704. Er fertigte eine Uhr „mit einem in der Uhr befestigten Steinen bei einem Unruhwerk“, die als Beweismittel im Fall der Clockmakers Company gegen [[Duillier, Nicolas Fatio de (1664 - 1753)|Nicolas Fatio de Duillier]] & [[De Baufre, Pierre|Pierre De Baufre]] verwendet wurde.
*[[Hughes, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1703.
*[[Hughes, Thomas (1)]], Clockmakers Company, 1712.
*[[Hughes, Thomas (2)]], Clockmakers Company, Warden 1739, '40, '41. Master 1742.
*[[Hughes, Thomas, (3)]], Clockmakers Company, Warden 1762, '63, '64. Master 1765. Put on livery 1766, Schreiber 1777.
*[[Hughes, Thomas (4)]], Clockmakers Company, 1770-85. Schreber der Clockmakers Company.
*[[Hughes, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1781 Ehrenmitglied.
*[[Hulst, Jacob]], Clockmakers Company, 1646-52. Schenkte der Clockmakers Company eine Zuckerdose.
*[[Hulton, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1724.
*[[Humphreys, Samuel]], Clockmakers Company, 1728.
*[[Humphreys, William]], Clockmakers Company, 1699.
*[[Hunt,  Edward]], Clockmakers Company, 1684.
*[[Hunt, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1708.
*[[Hurland, Henry]], Clockmakers Company, 1654.
*[[Hurst, Isaac]], Clockmakers Company, 1677.
*[[Hurst, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1796-1812. Leadenhall Market.
*[[Hussey, Joseph]], Clockmakers Company, 1685.
*[[Hutchin, James]], Clockmakers Company, 1697.
*[[Hutchin, Joseph]], London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1703.
*[[Hutchins, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1703.
*[[Hutchins, Joshua]], Clockmakers Company,1682.
*[[Hutchinson, John]], Clockmakers Company, 1712.
*[[Hutchinson, Richard]], Clockmakers Company, 1736. Ein Ehrenmitglied der Clockmakers Company; hinterließ der Company 100 £.
*[ Riversdale Clocks Clockmakers Company - Mitglieder H]
[[Kategorie:Clockmakers Company]]

Aktuelle Version vom 10. Januar 2024, 14:34 Uhr

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  • Habart, James, Clockmakers Company, 1682.
  • Hackett, Simon, Clockmakers Company, 1630-65. Junior Warden 1636. Senior Warden 1641 – 43. Master 1646, 47-59. Laden im „Royall Exchange“. Seine Uhren waren sehr gefragt.
  • Hackson, John, Jr. , Clockmakers Company, 1806. Bridgewater Square.
  • Haines, Francis, Clockmakers Company, 1706.

















