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Terminologie Numerotation

другие языки: de en es fr it nl pt ru    

Dictionare Horologer

10.020 (0100)
de Werkplatte nl Platine
en Main plate pt Platina
es Platina ru Платина
fr Platine
it Piastra
Zahnrad ico.jpg

Numbering classification

 First digit from 0 to 8
   0. Provisional code
   1. Framework
   2. Energy supply
   3. Rotary toothed transmission
   4. Distributing and regulating elements
   5. Transmission non-rotary, set into position and limitation
   6. Return and friction elements
   7. Bearings
   8. Fastening and assembly elements
 Second digit
   0. Basic movement
   1. Winding and handsetting mechanisms
   2. Automatic winding mechanism
   3. Date, calendar and moon phase mechanisms
   4. Alarm and striking mechanisms
   5. Chronograph, timer and split-second mechanisms
   6. Special mechanisms 
   8. For dimensional classification or other
   systems without attribution of mechanism
 First digit 9
   9. Make-up
 Second digit
   0. Dials and static indicators
   1. Hands and dynamic displays
   2. Cases
   3. Cases accessories
   4. Cabinets and accessories
   5. Glasses
 From third to fifth digit
   000 to 499 for mechanical part
   500 to 999 for electrical or electronic part
   This last classification is not valid for the first two following digits:
   - 70.XXX to 78.XXX 
   - 80.XXX to 89.XXX
   - 90.xxx to 92.XXX and 95.XXX

de In der Einteilung 70. bis 76. wird die Definition der Lager in der untenstehenden Reihenfolge wiedergegeben.
Die gerade Zahl bezeichnet das oberhalb abgebildete Lager, die ungerade Zahl das unterhalb abgebildete Lager.
en In classes 70. to 76. the definition of the bearing is given in the order indicated below.
The even number corresponds to the upper bearing, while the odd number corresponds to the lower bearing.
pt Nas classes de 70. até 76. a definição do mancai é dado na ordem indicada abaixo.
O número par corresponde ao mancai situado em cima e o número ímpar ao mancai localizado debaixo.
es En las clases 70. a 76. la definición del soporte está en el orden indicado aquí debajo.
El número par corresponde al soporte situado debajo y el número impar al situado encima.
ru В разрядах с 70 - 76 определение элементов подшипников дано в порядке, указанном ниже.
Четный номер соответствует элементу подшипника, расположенному выше, а нечетный элементу подшипника, расположенному ниже.
fr Dans les classes 70. à 76. la définition du palier est donnée dans l'ordre indiqué ci-dessous.
Le numéro pair correspond au palier situé dessus et le numéro impair à celui placé dessous.
it Nelle classi 70. a 76. la definizione di cuscinetto è data nell'ordine indicato qui sotto.
Il numero pari corrisponde al cuscinetto situato sopra e il numero dispari a quello posto sotto.
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de Lochstein, flach, zylindrische Bohrung nl
en Rat jewel, cylindrical hole, for pt Pedra plana, furo cilindrico
es Piedra plana, agujero cilindrico ru Камень гладкий, отверстие цилиндрическое
fr Pierre glace, trou cylindrique
it Pietra piana, foro cilindrico
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70.000 / 70.001

oben / unten
top / bottom
encima / debajo
dessus / dessous
sopra / sotto
em cima / debaixo
верхний / нижний

de für Beisatzrad nl
en week wheel pt de roda de uns oito dias
es de rueda de octava ru для дополнительного колеса
fr de roue de huitaine
it della ruota d'ottava
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